The Sample Supplier Trifecta
Choosing a sample supplier can be a daunting task for any researcher. After winning a game-changing project from their client, they suddenly find themselves navigating through a long list of panel company websites. What they will come to find out is that they will likely encounter the same three promises repeated by all panel companies. We call this the sample supplier trifecta:
- High Quality
- High Service
- Quick Turnaround Time
But what do panel companies, Precision Sample included, mean when we promise high quality, high service, and a quick project turnaround time? We’ll break down what we think this should mean by listing some tangible benefits of a good supplier:
- Highest Quality Data
- Respondents are vetted, validated and provide well-considered responses.
- There are minimal instances of speeding, straight-lining and providing gibberish or non-sensical responses to open-end questions.
- The data collected are consistent across multiple waves for tracker projects.
- Sample delivery is paced as requested by the client.
- When requested, quotas remain balanced throughout fielding.
- Quotas are strategically managed and project managers fill most of difficult quotas (high income, ethnicities, young adult/teen) first to ensure all quotas are filled at project close.
- Data appends with basic demographic information on participants are available following fielding.
- Highest Level of Service
- Project quotes are returned within just a few hours.
- The project launches as soon as the links are implemented and both teams are ready, regardless of the day of the week.
- The researcher’s team receives consistent and frequent updates from the price quote to the eventual project invoicing.
- If asked by the client to sample blend, the supplier works with other resources to assist in filling sample.
- Supplier conducts project kick-off calls with new clients and for projects with existing clients that have complex fielding methodologies and requirements.
- Quick Project Turnaround Time
- The ability, even with the hardest-to-reach audiences and the lowest incidence rates, to exceed expectations and deliver the full amount of sample that was promised in the initial quote.
The insider secret is that it’s very hard for sample companies to differentiate from their competitors just as with research agencies. As a result, our marketing and value propositions are strikingly similar but digging into the topics above when evaluating new suppliers will help separate the wheat from the chaff.