Case Study
MSG relies on Precision’s competitive speed, ability, and price

Business Challenge
MSG submits a large volume of project bids for client surveys.
They regularly work with many companies and sometimes have issues with delayed response times. They have also dealt with difficulties from companies subcontracting panel management to yet another company, which MSG wanted to avoid.
• Survey, Market, and Sensory Research
Sample Type
• Consumers
• Global
• B2B
Primary Values
• Speed of delivery
• Niche geography
Our Approach
MSG works with Precision Sample as one of their sources for panels.
“Precision Sample gets many of our bids,” said Gavin Kelly, Director of Online Research at MSG.
“With some companies the response time is 3 or 4 hours. Never with Precision Sample – they always have a very quick response.”
MSG partnered with Precision Sample on a bid for a large State University. They wanted very specific demographic targeting across a single state with quotas on age, gender, and region, broken down into small rural counties.
“Some of the companies would have told us, ‘we can’t help you with this one,’ but Precision Sample had the desire to go through with it and the expertise to execute it well,” said Gavin Kelly, Director of Online Research.

• Quick, competitive offers – “When we get some of these Time Sensitive bids, we really need a quick response time … Precision Sample gets back to you very quickly, with competitive bids,” said Gavin.
What Our Clients are Saying
“It’s the speed, it’s the ability, it’s the price – that is what makes Precision Sample so competitive.”